Monday, February 15, 2010


We are leftist. We are not a bunch of angry-people-because-we-have-a-miserable-life-so-we-want-others-especially-who-had-good-life-and-rich-to-suffer-just-like-we-are or people-who-love-violence. We are leftist because we see things differently from you, so we can see things that you might not. We have a different perspective because we see from different view - the left angle. So listen to us sometimes, maybe it will open your eyes to see the blind spots that you always miss.

Kerana itu selalunya kami melihat dari sudut yang terpinggir. Yang selalunya dari kaca mata orang miskin dan tertindas. Seperti Guavera yang merentas Latin Amerika lalu sedia menderita kerana melihat ketidakadilan yang melata (He chose communism is his political view that we should do respect in term of situation and time that he was in). Dari kaca mata pekerja Industri yang diperas tenaganya kerana mereka miskin dan terdesak untuk bekerja sedangkan syarikat multinasional global yang “menggajikan” mereka mengaut untung berjuta-juta billion. Melihat bagaimana kapitalism telah memerangkap hidup anda dalam jaring yang anda tidak sedari pun.

But sometimes, when we think that there's no other way, we love to do rebellion. :)

Anyway, Ismas Saring says it’s OK to use rojak language. I’m not an English language user in my daily life, so if you spot any grammatically errors, please kindly correcting me on the comment page. I'm just having fun practicing my writing. he he.

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